LED Calculator – Calculate Your LED Retrofit Savings

Number of fixtures to be replaced


Old fixture (to be replaced)
Incandescent / Halogen: 1,250 hours
Metal Halide: 6,000 hours
Fluorescent/CFL: 8,000 hours
Pulse Start Metal Halide (PSMH): 15,000 hours
High Pressure Sodium (HPS): 20,000 hours
LED fixture (new fixture)
LED: 50,000 hours
Energy rate (electricity cost)

The average residential price of electricity in the U.S. in 2015 was 12.66¢/kWh.
To find the price per kWh (Kilo Watt hour) for your state and sector, check your energy bill or go to the EIA website.

Hours of operation
Other factors (optional)

Labor cost for re-lamping:


Number of light units to be replaced to LED units: 1 unit

Old fixture LED fixture
Initial cost $1.00 $50.00
Wattage 75 Watt 9 Watt
Electricity cost (12.6¢/kWh) $41.39 per year $4.97 per year
Lifespan (continuous use) 1,250 hours 50,000 hours
Lifespan when used for
12 hours a day, 7 days a week
3 months 13 days 11 years 4 months 30 days
No. of times an old fixture to be replaced each year 3.50 times
No. of times an old fixture to be replaced during the LED fixture’s lifespan
(11 years 4 months 30 days)
40 times
Cost of replacements each year
([Incand. bulb cost] × [Number of replacement per year])
Total annual cost
([Cost of replacing fixtures] + [Electricity] + [Labor cost])
$44.90 per year $4.97 per year
(same as the annual electricity cost)
Total cost
(after 11 years 4 months 30 days)
$513 $106
Total savings /w LED fixture (ROI)
(after 11 years 4 months 30 days)
$513 − $106 = $407
Break-even point
(The amount of time necessary to save as much money as you invested initially)
1 year 2 months 22 days